Dr Ko Double Eyelid Surgery
Dr Ko Double Eyelid Surgery
Cutting Method Vs Suture Method double eyelid surgery
It has been said that “your eyes are the windows to your soul.” Therefore the eyes are usually the first thing someone notices about you. Do you feel that you have ‘sleepy eyes’? Or are your upper eyelids droopy and sagging, causing interference with your vision? Perhaps one of your eyes has double eyelid while the other is a monolid. Maybe you already have a low double eyelid folds but wish to have higher folds. Double eyelid surgery can help to improve the appearance of your eyes.
Double eyelid surgery, also known as upper eyelid blepharoplasty, is a procedure where upper eyelid creases are created to form double eyelid folds. This procedure can be either:
• The surgical cutting method, or
• Non-surgical suture method.
Before you decide on surgical cutting vs. suture method double eyelid surgery, do consult a
qualified and experienced plastic surgeon to discuss:
• Your expectation
• Any pre-existing medical condition or known allergy
• Any pre-existing eye problems or previous eye/ eyelid surgery
• Which method is a better option
• Details of the procedure and choice of anaesthesia
• Risks and complications involved
What is Surgical Cutting Double Eyelid Surgery?
The surgical method involves making an incision at the upper eyelids to create a permanent crease and fold. Usually, some skin and muscle will be excised as well. This method is a good option if your upper eyelid skin is thick, or if you want a permanent double eyelid.
This procedure is usually performed on an outpatient daycare basis. Hospital overnight stay is not necessary. Local anaesthesia and light intravenous sedation are given before the surgery. The surgery will take about 1 – 1 ½ hours. This operation can be combined with other procedures such as medial or lateral epicanthoplasty and upper eyelid ptosis correction.
Some risks and complications include:
• Allergic reaction to anaesthetic drugs and antibiotics
• Infection
• Visible scarring
• Asymmetrical folds
• Lid retraction / ectropion
With the surgical method, wound closure is performed with sutures, which shall be removed at 7 days after surgery.

What Is The Double Eyelid Suture/Stitch Method?
In this method, no cut is made. Instead, surgical sutures are used to create the upper eyelid crease to form a natural double eyelid folds. These sutures are permanently buried, so they will not be removed.

This method is a good option if there is no excess skin or fat that needs to be removed. It is also reversible and leaves no visible scarring.
As with the surgical method, hospital admission is not required. This method can be performed as an outpatient day care procedure under local anaesthesia with light sedation. This procedure usually takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Some risks and complications include:
• Loss of fold due to loosening of sutures
• Infection
• Irritation from buried sutures
• Skin reaction to the suture
Before and After a double eyelid surgery
As a precaution to minimize bleeding during and after the surgery, it is advisable to stop antiplatelets, anti-coagulants, and supplements containing ginkgo biloba, ginseng, and fish oils at least 1 week prior to the procedure.
Swelling after the surgery will usually resolve within 1 week. This can be expedited with regular cold compression over the eyes. Medications to help reduce swelling may be prescribed as well. Bruising may occur and will usually resolve within 2 weeks. It may take up to 3 months before seeing a stable and natural double eyelid.
In summary; Cutting Method Vs Suture Method double eyelid surgery
May not be permanent
Suitable for
thicker upper eyelid
thinner upper eyelid
Scar on skin
No visible scar
Stitches removal
Natural result

By Dr Kathleen Chang
Consultant Plastic Surgeon & Reconstructive surgeon
Ko Skin Specialist Centre.