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Off For A Fresh Start.

Most people struggle with discolouration, age spots, big pores, or acne scars. When moisturizers and serums can no longer work wonders, why not upgrade your beauty artillery to include laser treatment. Renowned for its efficacy in combating issues right at the core, laser treatments are an effective way to improve your skin appearance and get comprehensive rejuvenation.
At DR.KO® Skin Specialist, we have effective lasers available to treat your condition. From minimizing wrinkles to getting rid of acne scars, there is always the right treatment for every concern. With laser treatment on your side, you might opt to go filter-less in your upcoming selfies.
Consult with our experts today to find out if you are a good candidate for laser treatments.

How Can Dr ko® Skin Specialist help?

Rejuvenation laser
Pigmentation laser
Fractional resurfacing laser
Dual Yellow Light laser
Brightening laser
Pico laser