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Fat, Cellulite, & Body Contour Reduction

Sculpt your body
into perfection!

Self-confidence and body image go hand in hand. Despite our best efforts to love our bodies, some fat pockets (hello muffin top and belly pooch) tenaciously remain. Or perhaps you merely require skin tightening since you have lost weight, have a post-pregnancy belly or are struggling with unsightly cellulite.
Though harmless, these body conditions undoubtedly make a person feel self-conscious and can be a persistent embarrassment. What is worse is when you do the work but do not see the desired results.
Fortunately, we have plenty of options available to get you one step closer towards a more toned and beach-ready bod! You can undergo treatment and return to your normal activities the same day with minimal downtime or disruption to your schedule.
Contact us today to learn the best treatment plan for you.

Areas of Treatment

How Can Dr ko® Skin Specialist help?