
Our specialised pigmentation treatments address uneven skin tone and restore your natural glow. Pigmentation issues like melasma, sunspots, freckles, and Hori’s Nevus can affect your confidence. Our expertly tailored treatments target these concerns, balancing melanin production to achieve a clearer, more even complexion.

Types of Pigmentation

Melasma arises from excessive melanin production triggered by hormones, sun exposure, genetics, and certain medications, resulting in brownish patches on the face.

Sunspots, also called age or liver spots, appear due to sun exposure on skin areas like the face and hands in older adults.

Freckles are flat, pigmented spots caused by sunlight that darken on exposure and lighten when away from the sun. They’re common in fair-skinned individuals.

Hori’s nevus, also called ABNOM, shows blue-gray or brown patches on both cheeks, resembling Ota nevus. It appears in adulthood, especially in darker skin tones.

The Treatments We Provide